Selasa, 01 November 2011


Have you ever found a difficulty at looking for an idea to do your essay assignment?
I’ve ever felt so confused to find a good idea for my essay assignment, I didn’t know what to write, I had no idea at all. I usually feel so annoyed when I want to write something or do my essay assignment but I don’t have any idea at all.

In this assignment, I would like to tell you how to find an idea to finish the essay assignment. I hope this one can be a good inspiration for you.

What you have seen or even heard

Actually we can get an inspiration for the essay assignment from things that we’ve already seen or heard. For example, you can do essay assignment by taking an idea which is based on your experience. Maybe for example, you went to a place, and when you were on the way you saw a kid by a road, he was singing to a driver in a car and ask the driver to give him money and you felt sorry for him, you can take that moment as an idea for your assignment, you can write an essay titled ‘A little beggar’. It can be a good essay assignment. 

 From a movie or a song

     When you watch a movie, you can take the positive things from the movie then you can use them as an idea for your assignment. Or maybe when you listen to a song then you find an interesting word then you can use it as an idea for the assignment too.

Magazines, books and newspaper

You can find an idea for your essay assignment by reading magazine, newspaper or book. When you find an interesting article, you can use it as an idea, just improve the article from the magazine, book or newspaper, then make it as an essay.

Without having a good idea, we won’t be able to make a good and interesting essay.

Name : Nova Anggraeni
Class : 1SA03
NPM : 15611209