Rabu, 21 Desember 2011


avocado is a fruit that is very useful. most people know the avocado is a fruit to be eaten or made ​​juice. but avocado is also beneficial to health and beauty of the face. 
avocado benefits for health, including :

1. can lower cholesterol
2. prevent anemia
3. helps the digestive process
4. regulate body function

avocado benefits for beauty, including :

1. for face masks
    if you used avocado for face masks once a week you can make skin become more clean, white and fresh.
2. for creambath
    if your hair is dry, you can use avocado for cteambath because avocado can help hair for smooth and luxuriant.

source : taken photo from google

Name : Nova Anggraeni
Class: 1SA03
NPM : 15611209

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